Law Enforcement Consulting
公共安全和警察部门受到越来越严格的审查,以应对新法律的挑战和日益增加的安全威胁. 从客观的角度来看待你的机构的表现和实践可以带来新的效率, improved oversight and management, validation of the department’s strengths, and identifying areas for improvement. Most importantly, 独立的观点提供了更大的透明度,并有机会重新获得或加深社区的信任. Our team has led, 在过去的三十年中,规划和实施了许多最全面的公共安全进步, from the local, 州和国家各级政府到学术和医疗机构.
Working together, we’ll create a clear, 可操作的, 确定部门目标的多年战略, identifies a roadmap, 设定里程碑和时间表,推动部门现代化和转型.
How We've Protected 你的世界
Our Law Enforcement Consulting Experts
Juris Doctor, Master of Arts, Bachelor of Science, 富布赖特警察研究奖学金,英国; National Academy 研究生, 192nd Session, 总统, Board 成员, 成员, 成员
Juris Doctor, Master of Science in Criminal Justice, Bachelor of Science, 注册道德导师+测谎师, Certified Inspector General, 成员
BA, 法律 Studies, MA, Criminal Justice, DA, Leadership Studies, Certified Force Science Analyst
MA, BA, Past 总统, Past President
M.S., Criminal Justice, B.S., Criminal Justice, Certified Fraud Examiner, Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist, Certified Protection Professional
BS - Criminal Justice, MS - Criminal/Social Justice, MA -组织领导-专注于培训 & Development, Candidate-EdD - Organizational Leadership, 基础执法训练讲师+危机干预小组成员 Security Assessment Specialist, 成员, 成员
Leadership + Mgmt Edu. 经验丰富的执法人员, 研究生
研究生, Ohio State Highway Patrol Academy, Coursework, The Ohio State University